The aim of the BrainCAD development was to combine the advantages of image registration and fusion methods commonly used in the field of medical imaging with the professional OpenGL-based visualization and VOI-delineation.To facilitate the easy application of multimodal ·data manipulation.
Main features:
-VOI toolbox: This toolbox has been worked out for the simple, synchronized or image fusion based ROI delineation and analysis. Based on this toolbox a most advanced surface rendering 3D visualization technique has been implemented.
-Resample Toolbox: creates a new volume from the existing one using the specified voxel sizes, voxel numbers and offset values (resample) or separates a 3D part of the volume (reshape).
-Slice Dumper Toolbox: arranges slices of the selected volume on the screen, printer or html file using the specified interpolation method.
-Transform Toolbox: transforms the input volume using the manually adjusted affine transformation. Upon changing transformation parameters, the effect is visualized in real time. Using this toolbox in fused visualization mode results in a useful registration tool, as well.
-Registration Toolbox: This is an implementation of the MNI's landmark based registration method (register), extended with some landmark manipulation tools.